Monday, August 17, 2015

How To Stay Sane Pt. 1

WOW I haven't posted in forever!!

So basically I was really busy this summer with a play that I was in, and then i went to a cabin for a week, and then i had VBS at my church and then i went on a retreat with my youth group, and then I went to my friends cabin for the fourth of July, and then I went down to St. Louis to visit my cousins and then I came home and went to camp for a week. But now I'm home and I've become lazy again and I don't have anymore excuses to put off writing a post for my blog.

so here goes nothing...

So during all of those wonderful yet exhausting weeks that I mentioned above, I had to find ways to help keep my sanity.

First of all I did A LOT of Hand Lettering.
What I would do was read a chapter of the Bible and pick out my favorite verse and create a cool way to remember it. Most of them I don't like very much but doing it was so relaxing and I try to do it every day. 
Or I would find a cool quote and Hand Letter that.


Friday, May 8, 2015

"Interview" with Emma (me) and Sophia

Hello world!
So me and my friend Sophia got together and did a couple of random interview questions.

Would you rather be a giant rodent or a tiny elephant?
Emma: Tiny elephant, because people could have me as a pet (and get free food in the process) and they wouldn't be scared of me.
Sophia: Tiny elephant, because they're cute.

If you were a vegetable, which one would would you be and why?
Sophia: Kale, because then I would be healthy.
Emma:  I'd be a potato, because I'm basically a couch potato at this point in my life.

If you could choose your age forever, what would it be?
Emma: 27, because that's right at the beginning of your life when you have lots of opportunities (but then I guess I would become depressed because I wouldn't be able to complete any of my goals, so I will just have to think this one more:).
Sophia: 26, because that just sound likes a good age.

If you could be in any movie, what movie/character would you be?
Sophia: Can this include TV shows? Because I would want to be Tinker Bell from once upon a time because her top knot and accent are the best.
Emma: Elizabeth in pride and prejudice because I love pride and prejudice and Darcy is dreamy.

What mythical kingdom would you like to live in?
Emma: Narnia and I'd be Lucy because she's awesome.
Sophia: The Once Upon a Time world- because it's awesome.

What Christmas movie do you watch every year?
Sophia: Home alone. I always cringe when Kevin is SO MEAN TO THE POOR WET BANDITS. haha, and my brothers all think it's terribly hilarious.
Emma: Elf, because our whole family likes it and it's funny. "I just like to smile. Smiling is my favorite."

You can check out Sophia's blog here if you want to go stalk her :).

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

quote diary (journal therapy)

what ever you want to call it.

so i have tried for years to keep up a diary/journal.

but i have never really been able to stick with it. so i tried a new approach. 

i write quotes or draw or write something down that's been on my mind. 

so on this snowy, gloomy day, 

i decided to sit down and make mistakes and do whatever i feel like doing in this journal. 

"if you love something, then really love it. if that trip, person, or afternoon opened up new worlds and mindset, then by all means, write or paint or play about it, or maybe even tell someone and tell it the way it really is and how it feels. it is a beautiful thing to feel in a body built for feeling, and exist intensely on a planet exuding intensity, because life in itself is both intense and beautiful. there is absolutely no need or reason to pretend otherwise."

~victoria erickson 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

a bit about me

My name is em
i live in minneapolis minnesota 
i am a pretty normal teenager
i love books and writing and reading and anything that involves literature
i don't really know what to write on this blog, but i'm going to try anyways
i am an expert procrastinator 
and i don't really have anything else to say, so signing off for now :)
